Download and install Universal Plugin Manager to manage our SonarQube™ plugins
or download them from links below
SonarCloud™ products must be downloaded manually
Generate a clean and minimalistic PDF or Excel project report or a fully customizable ODT template
Generate a clean and minimalistic PDF project report or a fully issues breakdown report from your SonarCloud™ project
Provides a big picture of your SonarQube™ instance with all the aggregated measures in a single view
Provides a big picture of your SonarCloud™ organization with all the aggregated measures in a single PDF report
Provides information about security standards (OWASP Top 10, CWE Sans 25, OWASP ASVS and ISO5055) including risk factor and security vulnerabilities and categories
Mail notifications not available for SonarQube 10.X due to changes in SonarQube email API v2.
Provides information about security standards (OWASP Top 10, CWE Sans 25, ...) including risk factor and security vulnerabilities and categories in a PDF report
New tools to improve the administration of SonarQube™ and make easier administration tasks. With new filters, project information and massive actions on Projects.
Provides a board in your project space to check if you pass or fail a given set of quality gates.
Convert the registered information to Dependency Check and import it to your SonarCloud instance.
View Dependency Track vulnerability information from your SonarQube.
Analyze your projects in SonarCloud with SonarQube rules.
Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations is back to SonarQube™! Track your technical debt with SQALE method.
SQALE Plugin for SonarQube™ is listed as an official SQALE tool to manage your technical debt
Includes a new report to get ratings for all your rule tags in SonarQube™.
Provides a user-friendly interface to manage your plugins. This SonarQube™ plugin is free.
Ability to manage (install, upgrade, remove) custom user and bitegarden plugins through administration interface.
Provides a new bunch of metrics for your SonarQube™ instance. This SonarQube™ plugin is free.
Include new metrics for vulnerabilities by severity so that they can be used in conditions on quality gate and history.
SonarQube™ update center helps you to maintain and install plugins and extensions from bitegarden as well as the official community plugins and commercial plugins from SonarSource.
bitegarden has released his own file for the update center so that all the plugins could be kept up to date in an easy way. You just have to go to your Settings and click on the Marketplace/Update Center, and then you can access "Available plugins" tab to install the new plugins or access "Plugin updates" to update to new releases.
It is quite simple, you have to add this line in your Sonar configuration file $SONAR_HOME/conf/
When you restart your instance all the plugins from bitegarden (and all the default plugins from SonarSource) will be available to install or update.
* Remember: SonarCloud™ products must be downloaded manually.