Overview Report for SonarCloud™

Provides a big picture of your SonarCloud™ organization with all the aggregated measures in a single PDF report


Code Quality Overview for SonarCloud™

We love SonarCloud™... We have lots of projects... but... what about your whole organization? what about a team? what about a specific portfolio of projects? Did you ever though about getting a big picture?

With this command line app you will be able to generate an overview of all the aggregated quality metrics for all the projects, or groups of projects with the same project tag.

On a single page you will get executive summary of all aggregated metrics and rating distributions.

You will be able to see total number of bugs, vulnerabilities, hotspots and code smells, along with size metrics, duplications or coverage.

This plugin (command line application) is bundled with a PDF predefined report that provide clear information about code quality and security of your whole organization.


Are you looking for overview report generation for SonarQube™ on-premise edition? Check out bitegarden Overview Report for SonarQube™.

Discover the Overview Report Plugin for SonarQube™ >
SonarCloud overview


Main features include:

- Java Command Line Tool that can be used standalone or integrated into your CI/CD tool to automatically generate the report.
- SonarCloud™ overview all projects report in PDF with aggregated quality metrics, rating distributions, and reliability, security, security review and maintainability summary sections
- SonarCloud™ overview projects by tag report in PDF with aggregated metrics for a given set of project tags, along with rating distributions and sections

Additional options

PDF generation includes additional customizations:

- Support for user locale English (en) and Spanish (es)
- Support for all SonarCloud™ languages and technologies.
- Support for custom footer logo to add your organization logo.

SonarCloud overview

Getting Started

bitegarden Overview Report for SonarCloud™ requires at least Java 8 to run.

Quick Guide: generate PDF overview reports from SonarCloud™

Here you have a quick usage guide to generate PDF reports for your organization in SonarCloud™.

Once you have downloaded the product you will have an auto executable "jar" file.

Just put it anywhere in your filesystem and run the jar with --help option to see all the available options:

java -jar bitegarden-sonarcloud-overview-report.jar --help

You will get something like this:

Mandatory properties:

                 sonar.token = your user token to authenticate against SonarCloud.
                               It is recommended to generate a token for this app.

       sonar.organizationKey = the SonarCloud organization to generate the report from.

Optional properties:

           sonar.projectTags = Comma separated list of project tags to use for the report (i.e: team1,team2)

     sonar.projectExclusions = Comma separated list of project to exclude from the report (i.e: pkey1,pkey2)

 hotspotsBySeverity.disabled = Default is false. If you don't need hotspots by severity section you may want to disable this.
                               Setting it to true will improve performance but hotspot by severity section will not be available.

             activity.period = Defines the dates to generate activity section and project breakdown differential values
                               0 (since first analysis) Default value
                               1 (since six months ago)
                               2 (since last month)
                               YYYY-MM-DD (since specified date)

             stagnant.months = number of months since last analysis to consider a project is stagnant

                  footer.url = URL of the image to display centered in footer (PNG or JPG format are supported)
                               If image height is bigger than 25px it will be resized.

                 user.locale = Locale to use for generated PDF file. Options are English (user.locale=en) or Spanish (user.locale=es)

                      output = File name for the generated report


All the properties should be passed to the command line app using Java system properties with "-D" or using a custom properties file.

If you use a custom properties file you should run the application with the "config.file" parameter and provide the path to the properties file:

java -Dconfig.file=myoverviewconfig.properties -jar bitegarden-sonarcloud-overview-report.jar

If you just want to pass the required parameters through system properties use "-D" arguments when running the report:

java -Dsonar.token=mytoken -Dsonar.organizationKey=myorg  -jar bitegarden-sonarcloud-overview-report.jar

If a property is defined in both locations (file and command line args) the command line property will override the property in the file. This way you can have a generic configuration file with the common properties (sonar.token, sonar.organizationKey, ...) and then use command line args for specific properties like sonar.projectTags.

Running the report with a license key

By default when you download the product you will be able to use it during 14 days. Once your evaluation is finished, you will need to purchase the product and get a valid license key.

The license key will be provided as a text file. In order to use this license file you must set the property "license.file" in your configuration file (or through command line args) with the path of your license file.

The license key is bound to your organization key.

This is a sample running a licensed product using a command line argument:

java -Dconfig.file=myoverviewreport.properties -Dlicense.file=PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE -jar bitegarden-sonarcloud-overview-report.jar

It is up to you to include the "license.file" property in your configuration file or use it as a command line argument with "-D".

Troubleshooting and Support

If your SonarCloud™ organization has hundreds of projects the report generation may be slow. We must gathered all the information from SonarCloud™ to generate the PDF file. Thank you for your patient!

When you run the report all the information for both the license and the configuration will be displayed on the standard output.

If you have any problem please open a support request in our customer portal and we will be happy to help you find a solution.

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Evaluation license

  • 14 days evaluation license
  • After submitting the form your download will start including an embedded trial key