Provides a new bunch of metrics for your SonarQube™ instance
This plugin is able to generate several metrics to provide additional information into your SonarQube™ analysis.
Metrics Pack brings back to SonarQube™ metrics like Rules Compliance Index, Dead Code or Total Technical Ratio.
Metric based on the weighted value of issues and the number of lines of code
This metric includes the number of issues related with dead code. The rules that apply for the metric are customizable through plugin settings.
Based on the setting for the cost to develop one line of code (LOC), we compute the total estimated development cost for your SonarQube™ resources
SonarQube™ computes technical debt ratio only for issues categorized as code smells. With this new metric you will know your overall debt ratio, including the remediation costs of bugs and vulnerabilities
Just for fun, did you ever ask yourself the average lines of code of your project? Here you have it!