Overview Report Plugin for SonarQube™

Provides a big picture of your SonarQube™ instance with all the aggregated measures in a single view


Code Quality Overview for SonarQube™

We love SonarQube™... We have a lot of projects... but... what about your whole instance? what about a team? what about a specific portfolio of projects? Did you ever though about getting a big picture?

With this plugin you will be able to manage your SonarQube™ instance to get an overview of all the aggregated quality metrics in three ways: all the projects, custom groups defined in settings, or using projects tags.

On a single page you will get all aggregated metrics.

You will be able to see total number of bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells, along with size metrics, duplications or coverage.

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Summary Overview of all your projects

With just one click you will get a quick overview of all your projects in your SonarQube™ instance. Easy.

In a single page the plugin shows you a lot of information of what is happening in your code base:

- CodeBase Size: total lines of code, number of projects and distribution
- Language Distribution: lines of code per language and projects related
- Health Status: this is a new way to see if your projects are ready to production or not, by using quality gate statuses of your projects
- Rating Distributions: reliability, security, maintainability, duplications and coverage
- Aggregated Ratings: you will get a global ratings for all your codebase
- Issues Breakdown: total issues by severity

And of course, all the data is actionable to quickly navigate to the desired information.

Download a PDF report

Now you can download a PDF report on the summary of your projects' quality status. Simply, with a click you can download this document which includes: the number of bugs, vulnerabilities, hotspots, code smells and a breakdown of them.

This report is divided into this pages:

- Overview Report.
- Reliability Summary: Includes a list of Bugs Breakdown filtered by Severity.
- Security Summary: Includes a list of Vulnerabilities Breakdown filtered by Severity.
- Security Review Summary: Includes a list of Security Hotspots Categories filtered by Priority.

SonarQube Portfolio of all your Projects

Support for branches

You can define a set of branch names to generate a quick overview of all the projects by selecting any of those branches. Easy. Our plugin will extract and aggregate all the measures from the selected branch.

Customize groups of projects in SonarQube™

Go to plugin settings (Administration > General Settings > Overview). The project groups section allows you to configure your custom group of resources in SonarQube™.

You just need to enter your name and a comma separated list of resource keys to be included in the group.

You will be able to see total number of bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells, along with size metrics, duplications or coverage, for each defined group in Overview Project Groups page. And you can even click on the group to see more details and metrics about it.

Or automatically use project tags

Project Tags in SonarQube™ are a powerful tool to categorize projects. If you already use project tags then it will be super easy to overview your current categories by using the Overview Project Tags page.

Page will show you all the projects categorized in tags and will give you an overview of all the metrics. And you can even click on the tag to see more details and a detailed view of the projects categorized under the tag.

Top 10 Most Common Issues

Are you curious to know the most common code quality and security problems your development team is facing?

Check out the Top 10 Most Common Issues section for all your projects or for any of the groups you have defined (custom or using tags).

You should be worried if there are bugs, vulnerabilities or security hotspots in your Top 10 Common Issues section. Fix them all!

SonarQube Portfolio Top 10 Most Common Issues

Blocker and Critical Issues

If you just want to focus on issues than will impact in your app in production you can find the Top Blocker and Top Critical issues section

According to SonarQube™ documentation:

- Blocker issues have a high probability to impact the behavior of the application in production: memory leak, unclosed JDBC connection, .... The code MUST be immediately fixed.

- Critical issues are either bugs with a low probability to impact the behavior of the application in production or issues which represent a security flaw: empty catch block, SQL injection, ... The code MUST be immediately reviewed.

Fix them before it is too late and put your code quality and security under control for your project portfolio.

Download Product Brief

SonarQube Portfolio Top 10 Blocker Critical Issues

Get your code quality big picture!

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Evaluation license

  • 14 days evaluation license
  • After submitting the form your download will start and it will include your trial key
  • By using this form you will download LTS compatible version, go to downloads for other supported versions
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