Video tutorials about plugins for SonarQube and products for SonarCloud

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Video tutorials

How to generate a project analysis report in SonarQube?

Learn how to generate a SonarQube project analysis report, step by step, with our Report Plugin for SonarQube.

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Configure users to receive an email after a scan in SonarQube

Learn how to generate a SonarQube project analysis report, step by step, with our Report Plugin for SonarQube.

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New features

Control Center for SonarQube 1.1

We added a new page so that, as an administrator, you can see which projects use the permission templates created in your SonarQube instance.

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Report Plugin for SonarQube 2.21

We add three new fields in the PDF reports (lines of code, download date report and version of SonarQube).

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Security Plugin for SonarQube 2.20

The ISO 5055 report now contains a breakdown of rules filtered by failed CWEs.

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Security Report SonarCloud 1.14

More customization possibilities. You can now add two new fields in your reports.

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Overview Report for SonarQube 2.5

You can now generate and download a PDF report from group and tag pages.

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