How to download a PDF report from SonarCloud
November 10, 2021
If you are using SonarCloud to evaluate your code you will have on more than one occasion been looking for a way to be able to download your project reports from SonarCloud.
In SonarCloud you have the possibility to view all the problems related to your code (bugs, vulnerabilities, code smells, duplications, security problems, …) but unfortunately it is not possible by default to download all this information.
Precisely for this reason we have decided to expand its functionality and make life easier for the software development teams, DevOps and Project Managers. Like? Through the bitegarden Report for SonarCloud.
How to download a report from SonarCloud
Download the Report plugin for SonarCloud (or more precisely, command line application) and generate all the reports in PDF from SonarCloud, from now on you will always have all the information on quality and code security of your project.
Types of reports available for Sonarcloud
You have different types of reports available, from the executive one that summarizes all the important metrics on a single page to a complete report with all the details of the evidence found (bugs, vulnerabilities, security hotspots and code smells).
The quality of the code under control
In this way you can download a PDF report in just a few seconds, but above all whenever you need it and with all the information always updated on the current status.
And if you want to do even more: include a step in your continuous integration cycle, generate the report in one of the steps and mail it!
Download the trial version
Since our goal is to make it easy for you, we want to give you a free 14-day trial so that you can try out the bitegarden Report for SonarCloud, and evaluate its usefulness in your work for yourself.
After the trial period, the cost is only €300 per year and on behalf of SonarCloud. You can also take advantage of the offer of a 20% discount when purchasing all products for SonarCloud.
What are you waiting for? Run to try it!
bitegarden team
Helping companies to develop better software