Export OWASP report in PDF
March 18, 2020
bitegarden team is pleased to announce a new version (2.1) of Security Plugin for SonarQube&trade.
This new version is focused in exporting data the same way we did with Report Plugin for Sonarqube&trade.
You requested us to export to PDF all the OWASP information from your project and we have just build a beautiful report for you!
We have included this first report to provide a clean PDF with an executive summary to see how secure is your code. Take a look a this OWASP report sample. Your security champion will love it and your managers will love it too!
There are four sections in the OWASP report:
– OWASP Overview: includes all the OWASP main metrics like the total number of OWASP vulnerabilities, the OWASP Vulnerabilities density, the technical debt related to OWASP vulnerabilities and an OWASP overall rating for your project based on vulnerabilities severity.
– OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks: the OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications. In this section you will find your code compliance with OWASP Top 10, including ratings per category and number of vulnerabilities and hotspots.
– OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities Breakdown: detailed list of the most severe vulnerabilities found in your code.
– OWASP Top 10 Security HotSports to Review: detailed list of the most severe security hotspots found in your code that must be reviewed.
It will be easier than ever to check your compliance with OWASP Top 10 in Sonarqube™ with this new amazing OWASP PDF report.
Configure SonarQube™ update center to upgrade your version or download it directly from download page.
Enjoy the new version!
bitegarden team
Helping companies to develop better software