SQALE method and your technical debt under control

Are you ready to manage your technical debt? The version 1.3.1 of the SQALE Plugin for SonarQube is now available.

Thanks to your feedback, our team has improved the SQALE Plugin by adding the following new features.

New features

1) Breakdown of technical debt according to issues or security hotspots

Debt technique with the SQALE method

2) New admin page for the SQALE model

SQALE method in the administration page

3) New configuration of the resource limit to display in the ROI graph

New functionality that allows setting a limit on the number of resources shown in the graph. By default this limit is 500 but it can be configured up to a maximum of 10,000 elements.

The items that will be displayed will always be those with the greatest impact on the business, so important information is not lost with regard to technical debt management.

SQALE method and ROI SQALE method and ROI

Get started managing technical debt with SQALE’s software quality model.

Download the SQALE Plugin for SonarQube >

bitegarden team

Helping companies to develop better software

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