News for code quality lovers
November 18, 2019
We’be been busy these past months working on improvements, new features and even new plugins!
SQALE newest version cames with two new dashboards!
Have you lost track of how quality measures are evolving? Check the evolution of technical debt, broken into SQALE features.
Do you need help defining an action plan to focus on the problems that matter? Use ROI strategy graph which evaluates remediation costs and weighted severity
Introducing Project Tag Plugin for SonarQube™
Creating tags manually is a very hard when you have a lot of projects. With our newest plugin you’ll be able to set project tags in an easy and automatic way. Just provide the tag through a command line property in your analysis and the plugin will do the rest.
Your project onboarding it’s going to be much more smooth…
Introducing Rating Report Plugin for SonarQube™
SonarQube™ has a powerful quality model based on reliability, security and maintainability. But sometimes you need to know a little bit more… What about performance? And error handling? User experience?
With this plugin you will be able to get ratings for all those code quality characteristics by using the rule tags feature available in SonarQube.
Furthermore, you already know that we LOVE feedback, so feel free to email us with any concerns, ideas, questions and criticism :)