The best Report for SonarQube
July 30, 2020
Today we present the new version (2.1) of our Report Plugin for SonarQube™.
This version adds 2 new PDF reports to extract more information from the project, thus complementing the single-page executive summary.
It also includes support for branches so you can generate the report of the desired branch, and not just the main one.
And another highly desired functionality: the ability to configure the footer logo has been implemented, to make the report more corporate.
This version has everything you need: simple PDF report, complete PDF report or ODT custom report.
Summary new features
– New detailed report including list of issues
– Logo configuration for the report footer
– Branch support
– Use of the new sonarqube-manager to obtain the information
– Improvement: removal of MeasureComputer and generation of ODT report on request
Enjoy the new version!
bitegarden team
Helping companies to develop better software