The Beginning

This is our first blog post! We are excited about it and we hope you are too!

We do not know yet how far this blog is going to go, how much time we’ll be able to dedicate to writing or if it would truly help code quality lovers. But we are sure of something: we want to share our experience, learning and knowledge of code quality.

What can you expect of bitegarden’s blog?

We’ll be writing (or at least trying) about:

- Our plugins: new releases, roadmap, value and proposition. This is the best way of being up to date with SonarQube™ plugins.

- SonarQube™: features, releseases, community, plugins…

- Code Quality: methodologies, QA teams, tools, DevOps and much more.

bitegarden is all about SonarQube™ plugins. That’s what we do and we are highly trained and specialised. That’s why we have a vast knownledge of sonar plugins that we want to share with the community.

SonarQube™ Plugins Marketplace

We also wanted to create a complete and always up-to-date SonarQube™ plugin directory, so all SonarQube™ plugins are available for everyone. That was one of our first projects: a SonarQube™ marketplace.

You can setup SonarQube™ update center to use our URL for updates. It includes SonarSource/SonarQube™ commercial/community plugins and bitegarden’s plugins.

This is the best way to keep up to date with our plugins (and all the plugins in the marketplace as well).

You just need to include this line in your file:


And this is it for the beginning. Stay tunned on what’s to come!

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