SonarQube plugins for operations teams
January 6, 2025
The operations teams play a crucial role in ensuring that the systems and solutions used in your company are of high quality and correctly configured. To achieve this level of quality, automation and analysis tools such as Sonar solutions are often used. To optimize the work of operations teams, at bitegarden we have developed a series of plugins for SonarQube to be used by operations teams. In this article, we will tell you what they are.
What are SonarQube plugins?
SonarQube plugins are extensions that expand the functionalities of this code analysis solution. There are plugins for security, operations, administrators, and other roles that perform different tasks to assist teams. The applications we develop help maintain clean and secure code throughout the product lifecycle.
Which SonarQube plugins are best for operations teams?
Report Plugin for SonarQube: Creates custom reports at the project level. This allows operations teams to have reports that provide a clear view of code quality (in ODT, Excel, or PDF format).
Rating Report Plugin for SonarQube: Generates reports that show the quality of the software code being developed for operations teams, through tags configured in SonarQube.
Security Plugin for SonarQube: Security is key for all organizations. This plugin provides information on the level of compliance based on quality standards (OWASP Top 10, CWE SANS Top 25, OWASP ASVS, and CERT).
SQALE Plugin for SonarQube: This plugin brings a software quality model that was previously present in SonarQube. It focuses on technical debt and helps meet ISO 25000 standards.
All these plugins are available for instances of SonarQube Server formerly known as SonarQube
Remember, you can try all of these products on your instance by downloading them through this link.
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